
consumption. the driving force behind the work of brooklyn based artist Chad Gordon. found through instagram, i quickly was intrigued with the simplicity of his collage work that he creates using imagery + price tags. he started making this style of work in 1999 on his trips to the grocery store. he would take the price tags off loaves of bread + bologna packages, sorry oscar, and began collecting. he now has a quite large collection of tags and stickers of all types that he collages together with old thrift store books, magazines, and other found images. when asked where he finds his inspiration he said, “I live by the Brooklyn Public Library and Brooklyn Museum. I spend a lot of time at both places for inspiration.” this father, husband, and artists has no plans on slowing down anytime soon as he is always thinking about his next move + what else he can create – and if you are wondering, no, his work is not 99 cents.

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note//all images were taken from the instagram feed of @chadgordon


it’s my (our) party, i’ll cry if i want to. i probably will –  i’m a sucker like that. it’s another day and another year to add on to my life. not just mine, but my dear twin sister annie. we’re going to be celebrating the evening with a nice close-nit dinner with family and my best friend from middle school. i’m very content in my life right now and all of the blessings, both good and bad, that have occurred in the past year. i feel as though my eyes have opened and i am now viewing everything in a much broader, brighter, and eager light. i’m so eager to learn, share, create, design, and build relationships. heres to you annie.we haven’t spoken since December but no matter what, you will always be my best friend. i love you very, very much and hope one day you will find the strength inside to believe in all of your abilities – the world is yours. the world is ours. together, we can achieve greatness. hand in hand, like the good ol’ days.

happy birthday to my partner in crime since day 1 – even if you kicked me out of the womb. : ) you may be 4 minutes older but i still have an inch on you.

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