.01 // Something.

something classic, something graphic. something to admire, something to inspire. something sweet + something neat.



01. //something classic: i’ve recently picked up and old classic, “The Catcher in the Rye” and am really enjoying it. i don’t recall a thing from the book from the “forced” reading of it in high school as i probably memorized material for quizzes and such but even if i did, i still wouldn’t have understood some of the things written like i do now. something graphic: love this collage illustration by artist Fleur Lux. // something to inspire: this great little company based out of georgia known as So Worth Loving. i follow their feed on instagram and am constantly bombarded by inpsiration, love, and self worth. i dare you to check it out and hate it. (@soworthloving) something to admire:”treat yourself” to this little admiration of this belted leather bomber (truly is a bombshell) jacket from Madewell and these must haves Horrigan boots by Hudson. sigh, if only …. now to important stuff. something sweet: thanksgiving is just around the corner… well a few days away and holiday seasons are a time for major consumption here in America, but if you are going to go in (and you are smart), you’ll do it slenderly. is that a word? here is a SWEET treat recipe from the slender student for an “Apple Pumpkin Pie Bake“. something neat: and last, how neat is this Belgian Dart Set by Best Made Co? gotta have it!

hope you all have a lovely holiday.



bang bang, h-town

days feel like whirlwinds and i am just a piece of scrap whirling around. i am constantly learning new things and meeting new people; doing new jobs and venturing out. so much to see; so little time. this is true. i’ve never felt so excited about learning and just … doing. but i also have never felt so tired

one of the many adventures today after school, jewelry repairs, splashing in puddles, and so on…. involved a girl, ink, a silkscreen, and a squeegee. finally, i broke in the silkscreen (DIY style) that a very inspiring individual gifted me. i think we did a trade or something, but he had this custom made with our Abbie Drue Designs logo by his friend Sean of Caught in Customs…..ramble… and it was a success. i banged out 20 tees. they were mostly white with black print and then black with a pink and grey mix. my friend was a little hesitant on letting me mix the colors because he didn’t think it would show up well but it turned out nice. thanks G1.

choo photo-92 photo-90 sp1

action. action. action. people, get up. act. do. create. learn. share.

Sock it to me.

sign no more, you’re in sock heaven now. my daily run-around attire consists of skinnies, blank t, scarf (depending on the weather), and a sneaker of some sort. easy + comfortable. im looking to spruce up my casual wear by adding cute socks – the one accessory that we seem to ignore. there are NO cute socks available for girls. its always so black and white, or neon. im so over all things neon. say goodbye to your nightmares and hello to Sock Dreams, the one stop shop for all things socks – thigh highs, knee highs, footsies, mid calf, toe socks, etc. fall is here and boots are comin’ out. next time you’re getting dressed – think about adding a cute sock. i paired a few of my favorite socks from Sock Dreams with a few different styles of shoes i found in my closet, see below.

>>(urban outfitters – $, vince camuto – $$$, retropolis – $$ , taxi taxi $)<<

Lacy Border Liner Socks – $10

Lace Panel Knee High – $10

Floating Flowers Mid Calf – $30

 Bebe Crochet Anklet – $9