.01 // Something.

something classic, something graphic. something to admire, something to inspire. something sweet + something neat.



01. //something classic: i’ve recently picked up and old classic, “The Catcher in the Rye” and am really enjoying it. i don’t recall a thing from the book from the “forced” reading of it in high school as i probably memorized material for quizzes and such but even if i did, i still wouldn’t have understood some of the things written like i do now. something graphic: love this collage illustration by artist Fleur Lux. // something to inspire: this great little company based out of georgia known as So Worth Loving. i follow their feed on instagram and am constantly bombarded by inpsiration, love, and self worth. i dare you to check it out and hate it. (@soworthloving) something to admire:”treat yourself” to this little admiration of this belted leather bomber (truly is a bombshell) jacket from Madewell and these must haves Horrigan boots by Hudson. sigh, if only …. now to important stuff. something sweet: thanksgiving is just around the corner… well a few days away and holiday seasons are a time for major consumption here in America, but if you are going to go in (and you are smart), you’ll do it slenderly. is that a word? here is a SWEET treat recipe from the slender student for an “Apple Pumpkin Pie Bake“. something neat: and last, how neat is this Belgian Dart Set by Best Made Co? gotta have it!

hope you all have a lovely holiday.



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