
seems like forever since i’ve written a post. things have been quite busy around here with prepping + finishing up exams, gearing up for Pop Shop Houston, + sending out new merchandise to our 2 new retailers (wholesale style! yay!)! all good things. we recently were found on Instagram by a shop in Regina, Canada called Norwood + they have officially picked up ADD jewelry! the power of technology is great + we are so thankful to be officially international. as you know, mothers day is around the corner + to show our appreciation to the ladies who have made our hearts beat since day 1, we are giving 15% off all orders (including leather goods) from may 8th – 13th with the discount code LOVE. if you happen to be in the Houston area, swing by Spring Street Studios May 11th + 12th to see a range of handmade, local makers displaying their works. we will be there and would love to see you! hope your week has been swell.

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