Leave the Pieces

at last, the fall weather has arrived in houston. either the weather has re-sparked my creative juices or its the fact that I’m back in my old studio – my home base. a few weeks ago it was flooded due to construction going on above and i was forced to relocate for a few weeks. during those few weeks, aside from being placed in a different studio, i was also dealing with some very traumatic family issues. it felt as if my world was turned upside down – i wasn’t inspired and everytime i needed to make something to ship out i dreaded it – which is not the attitude i want to have. being able to work for myself and create from raw materials is something i am so blessed to be able to do everyday. it made me realize that environment is everything -and that its okay to take a little breather + give yourself time to regroup. we ALL need it. taking time to do so allows you to observe, analyze, and reflect. now im back and am looking forward to the new things that are in store for abbie drue designs. // in the meantime,while I am getting new things together, you can shop our leather + jewelry items at a discount on shout mob shoppe here!

imageimage really loving this mix of textures, color tones, and rough edges. what do you think?

.. + aside from living in the studio and catching up on the blog i have really been diggin’ pinterest. how rad is this best made co. dart set + map? “Everything here is Wonderful”. i had the pleasure of checking out their storefront in TriBeCa NYC a few months ago and it was, as expected, to die for. i will definitely be frequenting often once i move to brooklyn in january.